Ellie’s First Birthday

What a wonderful time we had celebrating Ellie’s first birthday!  We kept it small, just invited family, and enjoyed a weekend full of fun.






I won’t ever make another tutu as long as I live, but I was happy with how this one turned out 🙂

And remember that super cute birthday outfit I bought her?  She was freakin adorable in it, not that I was surprised 😉


Everyone always says not to blink because it goes by so quickly.  They don’t lie. ❤

Onesie Wednesday!

We’re gearing up for Ellie’s first birthday next month!!  Nothing elaborate planned, just having family come to celebrate.  But can I say…I’m soooo pumped over her adorable little outfit!  It came in the mail a few days ago and its SOOO adorable.  1PoshShop has one happy customer 🙂


#adorbs.  Can’t wait for her to wear it! ❤

Cold and Snowy Wednesday


I’m all for snow, but why is it that we went ALL winter with barely an inch, and then get dumped on right in the middle of March.  Bleh.  Ellie and I are spending the second day in a row at home all day.  Which just means finding fun things to do around the house.  Right now she enjoys playing this game where she pulls everything off of a shelf and I put it all back.  Repeat, repeat, repeat. 😛

Today’s Onesie Wednesday features a onesie that I don’t have, but currently need!  If we had this, Ellie and I would be out in the snow today.


Guess there’s always next year! 🙂


Busy, busy, busy.  That’s how the last two weeks have been!  I always have the best intentions of blogging but just can’t seem to fit it in.

I’ve been busy in the kitchen, but making some new recipes that I wouldn’t want to try again.  I made these Thai Chicken Egg Rolls that I just wasn’t crazy about it (though I did love the peanut sauce!) and I cooked up this Chicken Carbonara but again, not anything to write home about (or on a blog!).  I did make some delicious Banana Squares, but that one’s a family recipe 😉

I also discovered this amazing Maryland happening called TotSwap and oh my gosh…life will never be the same 😛 I’ve been bitten by the TotSwap bug.  It’s this HUGE consignment sale that’s held once in a year in four different locations.  Anyone who lives in MD but doesn’t know about TotSwap yet, you’re welcome.  I loaded up on really CUTE discounted baby clothes and some cool toys too.  I’m thinking of making the drive to hit up the Frederick and Howard county locations when they arrive.  It’s pretty much the best thing ever.


So maybe things will slow down in the next few days and who knows, maybe I’ll even get in a Onesie Wednesday again! 🙂

Fridababy, Baby!

It’s been a rough week and a half…The little bebe got her first cold, which spread to me and then my husband.  It sucks but fortunately she’s had good spirits through everything.  I was a little caught off guard with the amount of snot that can come out of a little tiny babe!

One of the things I registered for before Ellie’s birth was the Fridababy Snotsucker.  Everyone thought I was crazy, but if you read the reviews on this thing you see that parents LOVE it.  Well, time to add me to that list.  It’s not gross at all, nothing gets in your mouth, and it’s a huge help to clear out your little one’s nose when they don’t know how to blow.  Ellie has been super congested and this has provided some instant relief.  Along with using a humidifier in her room every night, this has really helped her.


Onesie Wednesday will return next week.  Yesterday was spent on the couch trying to shake this fever! 😦

Future Activist Onesie Wednesday!

Since the Women’s March on DC, I’ve wanted this onesie for Ellie!  Just need to sit down and order it.  Such a cool onesie…gotta start em young!!



Betsy is was confirmed yesterday so all we can do is wait.  Wait to see what happens with public education system, wait to see what happens with vouchers.  Just wait.  I felt a little better after reading this article this morning, discussing Betsy’s limits in power.  Our children are our future and now is the time to advocate on their behalf.  Let’s go activists!! 🙂


Yes to Birchbox, No to Betsy!


Is it February 11th yet??  I sit here waiting, watching the mailbox for my next Birchbox 😛  My addiction started last August when I received a six month subscription as a gift.  When January rolled around I decided I just couldn’t do without.  I’m not even that much of a makeup junkie, especially now that I’m a SAHM.  I’m lucky if I get to wash my hair everyday…but I really enjoy trying out all of the samples they send.  My next box should be here by Saturday but I want it noooowwwww!

The little bebe has her first cold 😦 Lots of sniffles, coughs, and extra snuggle time.  All while listening to the Democratic testimony against Betsy DeVos.  God I hope this woman isn’t approved.  It seems she will be though.  As a teacher, I hope that her lack of background and knowledge will stifle her from taking any real action against public education.  It’s scary.  T-minus 23 minutes to the vote, let’s see what happens. 🤞

Onesie Wednesday

I’m hoping that posting today’s onesie might help bring us some snow! 😛 It’s already February and we’ve barely gotten a single flake.  We need some snow!!

I look forward to the days when Ellie’s old enough to build a snowman with mommy and daddy 🙂 Anyway, how cute are those mitten attachments?!  Love 🙂


Onesie Wednesday

Today’s onesie brought to you by PuddleKicker’s Etsy shop.  This is totally fitting for Ellie right now, who has learned that she can kick and scream when she doesn’t get what she wants.  Toddler-hood should be fun.


Heaven forbid I serve sweet potatoes for dinner rather than bananas.  Or how about forcing clothes onto Ellie so she’s nice and warm…How rude. 😂